About us

Unleashing Potential.
Transforming Communities.
One Story at a Time.

Art and Soul Tribe CIC (established 2016) is a North Wales & Merseyside based social enterprise on a mission to empower individuals and communities through the transformative power of creative and therapeutic storytelling.

We believe everyone deserves a chance to shine, regardless of background or circumstance.
Join the movement

Welcome to the heartbeat of Art and Soul Tribe CIC

We're a passionate collective of North Wales & Merseyside creatives with a fire in our bellies: to ignite the power of art for social change.
Born in 2016, our journey began with a simple belief - everyone deserves a chance to shine, no matter their background or circumstance. Fast forward to today, and we're a vibrant community strong, with over £1 million of social value generated, more than 2,000 local people supported, and over 5,000 hours of training and support poured into our communities (since lockdown alone!).

But what truly sets us apart? Here's a peek into the soul of Art and Soul Tribe:

We speak the language of creativity

Through music, dance, writing, visual arts, and more, we unlock the potential hidden within each individual.

We champion Therapeutic Storytelling

 We create safe spaces for vulnerability and expression, fostering a trauma-informed and neurodivergent-sensitive environment.

We build bridges, not walls.

We design and run community-focused projects like choirs, book clubs, and workshops, fostering connections and celebrating diversity.
Bringing it all together

We believe in the power of 'We'

Our annual "TribeFest" is a testament to this, a joyful celebration of the collective power of community and shared stories.
Write your awesome label here.
sponsors & Partners

Our partnerships

We're more than just a social enterprise; we're a movement. We collaborate with local authorities, health services, and other like-minded organizations to reach the most vulnerable and empower them to find their voice.
Our team

Meet our Directors

Art and Soul Tribe CIC is led by a powerhouse trio of inspirational female entrepreneurs and creatives: Jane, Lindy, and Jess. They bring a unique blend of expertise to the table, with backgrounds in Psychology, Mental Health, Training & Coaching, Leadership & Management, and Events Management. Each woman identifies with protected characteristics, ensuring a deep understanding of the diverse needs within our communities. This commitment extends to the entire management board, fostering an inclusive leadership team that reflects the vibrant tapestry we serve. Jane and Lindy, both mothers of four, bring a wealth of life experience and empathy to the organization. And then there's Jess, at just 24 years old, the youngest female leader in the area, a true testament to the power of youthful vision and unwavering dedication to positive change. Together, they are a force to be reckoned with, using their creativity and passion to build a more empowered and thriving world.

Jane Bellis

Jess Sparks
Curriculum Director

Lindy Rey Lovett
Operations Director


Our students love us

"With hindsight I can see how vital and just how much the help I have had has been. I wouldn‘t have progressed anywhere as much or as far without being associated and interacting with Art & Soul Tribe and all the information, skills, time energy and effort put into all that is done"


"I struggle being around people and being out of the house. I am very anxious all the time but find the sessions invaluable. During the sessions I even talk a little to new people (which is very hard for me). At the end of each music session I feel so happy and feel a sense of accomplishment and calm that I struggle to find in every day life, without the sessions I am just stuck in the house feeling anxious and down, unable to leave the house due to agoraphobia." 


"Art & Soul Tribe have been fantastic with supporting me through the past eight months I would be lost without them."


Do you know someone who shares our vision?
Tell them about us!

You can use the hashtag #artsoultribe to talk about us on social media.
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